Eradicating poverty in all its forms remains one of the biggest challenges at Benha University. Within the framework of Benha University’s implementation of eliminating poverty and helping its students and the local community, it is carried out as follows: Support for university books :...
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SDG 2: Zero hunger
Benha University policy to achieve the second goal Benha University plays an active role in reducing hunger and malnutrition through: Holding annual exhibitions for food products (meat, dairy, fruits, vegetables, etc.) at low prices for all citizens, university employees and students. Ope...
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SDG 3: Good health and wellbeing
Benha University aims to achieve this goal through comprehensive health coverage and providing access to affordable medications for all by: Developing the university hospital and certain units within it, with research and development support being a crucial part of this effort. Establishing...
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SDG 4: Quality Education
Benha University aims to provide high-quality and comprehensive education for all, believing that education is a powerful tool for achieving sustainable development. This is achieved by: Most university colleges obtaining accreditation from the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accr...
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SDG 5: Gender equality
Eliminating all forms of discrimination against women and girls is not only a fundamental human right but also crucial for accelerating sustainable development. At present, the university is working towards achieving greater gender equality through: Advertising job openings on the university w...
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SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation
Benha University seeks to achieve this goal through the axis of water resources and how to preserve them, which is included in the university’s research plan. In addition, it provides analyzes and consultations to citizens, out of belief in the university’s role in community service and...
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SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy
Benha University aims to achieve this goal through the axis of renewable and sustainable energy and how to optimally use it. That is included in the university’s research plan, out of belief in the university’s role in community service and scientific research to achieve sustainable deve...
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SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth
The sustainable development goals aim to encourage sustained economic growth and achieving higher levels of productivity. In this regard, Benha University encourages business management and job creation to increase economic growth. This is done by: The University adopts a lot of researches...
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SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Investments in industry, infrastructure and innovation are critical to economic growth and development. Technological progress is also essential to finding durable solutions to economic and environmental challenges, such as creating new jobs and enhancing energy efficiency. Promoting sustainable in...
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SDG 10: Reduced inequalities
Benha University in trying to reduce inequality between students, administrators and faculty members ,improving organizational and oversight procedures, encouraging students with high capacities to participate in various activities at the university and exempt them from tuition expenses, suppo...
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