
SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Investments in industry, infrastructure and innovation are critical to economic growth and development. Technological progress is also essential to finding durable solutions to economic and environmental challenges, such as creating new jobs and enhancing energy efficiency.

Promoting sustainable industries and investing in scientific research and innovation are all important ways to promote sustainable development.

Therefore, Benha University had an effective role in achieving this goal through the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, which sponsors innovators, whether students or faculty members, provides a helping hand to them, as well as preserving intellectual property, as well as organizing competitions and exhibitions for innovative ideas.

Applying for research projects, holding courses, workshops and seminars, and cooperating with the surrounding factories and companies located in Qalyubia Governorate, as well as the International Labor Organization, the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority, the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, and the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development.

Benha University seeks to achieve this goal through: