
SDG 3: Good health and wellbeing

Benha University aims to achieve this goal through comprehensive health coverage and providing access to affordable medications for all by:

  1. Developing the university hospital and certain units within it, with research and development support being a crucial part of this effort.
  2. Establishing health units in each college to serve students, staff, and faculty members.
  3. Organizing medical convoys to serve communities in villages within Qalyubia Governorate.
  4. Issuing decisions to maintain public health, such as banning smoking on campus.
  5. Conducting medical check-ups for new students in their first year.
  6. Running a presidential campaign for hepatitis C screening within Benha University.
  7. Participating in the presidential initiative for a decent life.
    The university's role extends beyond providing educational and research services to also include community service across all sectors.