Community anti-poverty programmes

Community anti-poverty programmes

Benha University is working to adapt all its material and human capabilities to contribute to serving the people of Qalyubia Governorate. Benha University participates in the Industrial Egypt Initiative and the Decent Life Presidential Initiative and launches many convoys from them.

Decent Life Initiative at Benha University

  • Medical convoys with a door-knocking system to ensure the delivery of free medical services and medicines to those entitled to them inside their homes as a precautionary measure in light of the Corona pandemic. The convoy comes within the action plan of the community service and environmental development sector in cooperation with the Decent Life Foundation to meet the community’s needs through integrated convoys that Benha University launches on an ongoing basis, as it aims To provide all care to various groups in various fields in the villages with the greatest needs, and to transfer a number of cases for surgical operations and medical examinations to Benha University Hospitals and other hospitals, and to provide treatment to all of them free of charge.
  • Contributing to eradicating illiteracy in the villages of Qalyubia, within the framework of the community role played by Benha University to serve the people of Qalyubia Governorate, through organizing community convoys and the national project for literacy and adult education, in addition to training 37 members of the college’s auxiliary staff to train the college’s students and graduates to work in the field of literacy. As well as training 25 students in literacy and adult education
  • Professors and students of the College of Agriculture provide agricultural support and guidance to the beneficiaries of the initiative, and veterinary care is provided for livestock and poultry through veterinary convoys that tour the villages of the governorate.

Convoys and initiatives in which Benha University participates...Reports on convoys and initiatives

Egypt Industrial Initiative at Benha University

The initiative aims to train and qualify technical cadres and owners of handicrafts and traditional crafts to raise their efficiency to keep pace with the labor market’s needs for trained workers, within the framework of the state’s keenness to create new and distinguished job opportunities. To raise a new generation of skilled people in all trades to open new fields of work for young people, help them obtain new job opportunities, and establish small and micro projects that work to improve the quality of life of citizens by improving individual income, raising national income, and creating new markets.