SDG 17: Partnership for the goals
The sustainable development goals can only be achieved with a strong commitment to partnership and cooperation at the local, regional and international levels. The world today is more interconnected than ever before. Improving access to technology and knowledge is an important means of exchanging ideas and promoting innovation. Therefore, Benha University has established partnerships at the local, regional and international levels, whether governmental or non-governmental institutions, to achieve all goals and enhance the role of sustainability and development.
To achieve all goals, the university was obliged to follow a policy of cooperation between all faculties of the university, as well as all service and research centers and units, the surrounding community and the international community, and to unify and combine all efforts and face challenges to achieve the goals of sustainable development and Egypt's Vision 2030.
Therefore, Benha University has helped its students and the surrounding local community to eliminate poverty in all its forms. It has also played an effective role in reducing hunger and malnutrition and also seeks to achieve comprehensive health coverage and provide access to affordable medicines for all.
It aims to achieve quality and comprehensive education for all and is convinced that education is one of the most powerful and stable means of achieving sustainable development. Eliminating all forms of discrimination against women and girls is not only a fundamental human right, but also a crucial factor in accelerating sustainable development and in public office today, the university is achieving greater gender equality. The university seeks to achieve the axis of water resources and how to conserve them in the university's research plan, as well as providing analysis and consultations to citizens. It also seeks to achieve the axis of renewable and sustainable energy and how to optimally use it in the plan The university's research believes in the role of the university in serving the community and scientific research to achieve sustainable development. The sustainable development goals urge the steady growth of economic growth and increasing levels of productivity. In this regard, the university encourages business management and job creation to increase economic growth.
Investments in industry, infrastructure and innovation are critical factors for economic growth and development. Technological progress is also essential to finding permanent solutions to economic and environmental challenges, such as providing new job opportunities and enhancing energy efficiency. Promoting sustainable industries, investing in scientific research and innovation are all important ways to promote sustainable development. Therefore, the university has played an effective role through the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, which sponsors innovators, whether students or faculty members, and provides them with assistance, as well as preserving intellectual property and holding competitions and exhibitions for innovative ideas. And submitting research projects and holding courses, workshops and seminars and cooperating with factories and companies surrounding and existing in Qalyubia Governorate, as well as the International Labor Organization, the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency, the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology and the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development.
The university works to reduce inequalities between students, administrators and faculty members, improve organizational and control procedures, encourage students with disabilities to participate in various activities at the university, exempt them from tuition fees, provide them with support in the form of compensatory devices and other student services, teach human rights to students, develop an academic guidance guide for students, double support for the Student Solidarity Fund, and combat violence against women.
The university's faculties are concentrated in the urban and semi-urban areas of Banha, Shubra and Mashtohar, so a branch was opened in Obour to accommodate the increasing number of students and encourage students to choose programs with credit hours. Also, Banha Private University is currently being established on an area of 37 acres. Work is required to make the university branch in Obour and Banha Private University safe and sustainable to ensure students' safe and affordable access to the branch, improve transportation, create green public spaces, and improve planning and management systems.
The university adopts an effective role in developing its own resources and the optimal use of natural and human resources, infrastructure and research projects in all fields to rationalize consumption, increase production and recycle waste to benefit from it in the production of fodder, organic fertilizer and environmentally friendly energy, as well as disposing of waste in a safe manner to protect the environment from pollution and reduce the consumption of plastic materials at the university. The university also plays a similar role in encouraging various industries, as well as the quality and monitoring of food and its safety and various businesses, as well as establishing the university's policy to rationalize purchasing and focus on the green economy as a tool for achieving sustainable development.
Benha University has a major role in reducing climate change, as drought waves have become more frequent and severe, which threatens to reduce production, and climate change is expected to lead to a reduction in water, so Benha University bears the responsibility of studying the extent of the impact of climate change on agricultural production, so the university follows a policy of using greenhouses to overcome sudden and severe climate change, control water stress, monitor climate change in the region, as well as disasters and crises and how to confront and reduce them.
Water and its biological wealth are one of the most important components of natural systems that make the Earth habitable for humanity. Therefore, the university adopts an effective role in developing its own resources and the optimal use of natural resources, infrastructure and research projects in all fields to increase production, especially safe and environmentally friendly biological systems. Therefore, Benha University was interested in working on the fish farming project at the Faculty of Agriculture in Mashtohar to provide the university and the local community with fish in Qalyubia Governorate. The university also plays a similar role in encouraging organic agriculture that depends on biological systems and recycling fish farming waste, as well as the quality and monitoring of biological systems and their safety and various productive works related to fish farming and underwater life. It also establishes the university's policy to rationalize and conserve water, evaluate and manage groundwater, and cultivate rice on salt water due to water scarcity to save 30% of rice irrigation water, reduce the consumption of plastic materials, pay attention to aquatic medicine, and adopt a circular economy policy as a tool for achieving sustainable development.
Human life depends on the land for living and livelihood. Plant life on earth provides 80% of human food, and humans depend on agriculture as an important economic resource and one of the most important means of development. In addition to being important sources of clean air and water, and its crucial role in combating climate change. Therefore, the university adopts an effective role in developing its own resources and the optimal use of natural resources, infrastructure and research projects in all fields to increase production, especially the various biological systems with biological diversity, whether plants or animals. Accordingly, the Faculty of Agriculture in Mashtohar plays a leading role in this field as one of the oldest agricultural faculties in Egypt, serving a large sector within Qalyubia Governorate and neighboring governorates. Also, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has an excellent scientific reputation locally and internationally in various fields of veterinary sciences. The Faculty of Agriculture is also distinguished by containing a center for agricultural experiments and research, which includes many farms (a fruit nursery, nurseries, greenhouses for ornamental plants, research greenhouses for scientific departments, a citrus garden, a crop farm and orchards, which contain many plant origins for fruit, vegetable and ornamental crops, and many medicinal and aromatic plants). Its area and facilities are about 143 acres, in addition to the animal and poultry production farm. There is also the university veterinary hospital in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, as well as the laboratory animal center. The university also plays an equally important role in encouraging organic agriculture that is safe for human health, which depends on biological systems, as well as the quality and monitoring of biological systems and their safety, and various productive activities related to land ecosystems. It also establishes the university's policy to rationalize water drainage and preserve it, and evaluate water quality in order to protect ecosystems and life on Earth, human health and well-being, reduce the consumption of plastic materials, safely dispose of waste and recycle it, and adopt a policy of sustainability in business as a tool to achieve sustainable development goals.
The Sustainable Development Goals seek to significantly reduce all forms of inequality and discrimination, and work with governments and local communities to find lasting solutions to conflict and insecurity. Therefore, Benha University has a vision and mission to recognize and identify the risks of corruption by developing and completing the structure of the university's administrative apparatus, and activating administrative quality systems and excellence in government performance in order to develop an efficient and effective administrative apparatus by applying the integrity and transparency system in line with the national strategy to combat corruption. The university provides high-quality services to its members by activating transparency and integrity mechanisms in the units within the university, in addition to activating the government complaints system and updating judicial procedures to achieve prompt justice. And holding student initiatives and seminars to raise awareness of the risks of corruption and its danger to society, in addition to holding training courses for faculty members and employees on integrity, transparency and combating corruption. Also, recognizing the Student Union in the university's colleges and providing awareness, education, skills development and capacity building services in the fields of economics, law, technology, climate change and others, as well as providing platforms for dialogue and exchange of ideas and opinions. Therefore, Benha University seeks to promote the rule of law, human rights, peace, justice, rejection of violence and conflicts, and establish the rules of security, as well as eliminating all forms of discrimination, which represents a basic human right, in addition to being a decisive factor in accelerating the achievement of sustainable development goals.
Finally: Benha University seeks to achieve the sustainable development goals (17 goals and 169 targets) set by the United Nations, and these goals were mentioned in the United Nations General Assembly resolution on September 25, 2015, and on January 1, 2016, the 17 sustainable development goals were included in the 2030 Sustainable Development Plan.
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